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Faculty > Chandrima Chattopadhyay

Chandrima Chattopadhyay

Visiting faculty of Public Policy

Chandrima Chattopadhyay is a dedicated PHD Candidate at Radboud University, Netherlands, specializing in AI and Technology Selection and Usage in Schools. Her multifaceted background encompasses a fervor for philosophy and a steadfast commitment to child rights advocacy.

With a dual degree in law and philosophy, Chandrima has amassed seven years of experience in championing child rights, having served as a special educator for children on the spectrum and as a dance instructor for children in care homes. Presently, she resides in the Netherlands and contributes her expertise to KidsRights, a prominent child rights organization. Her role involves mentoring and guiding young change-makers worldwide.

A notable accomplishment includes her authorship of the book ‘Aham, Vayam & Tvam.’ This literary work delves into the realms of self, the other, and the world, exploring profound philosophical ideas intertwined with the human experience.

Chandrima Chattopadhyay’s amalgamation of academic pursuit, practical experience, and dedication to child advocacy underscores her commitment to fostering positive change and empowering the younger generations.

For more details to revise, if need be, follow: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chandrima-chattopadhyay-b067a466/