Fostering Excellence, Inclusion, and Lifelong Learning for Future Global Leaders

Vinayaka School of Economics and Public Policy

About VSEP

Elevate your understanding of societal dynamics with the best B.Sc. Economics (Honours with Research) programme in India offered at the Vinayaka Mission’s School of Economics and Public Policy (VSEP). Our programme empowers individuals with comprehensive knowledge and skills in Social Science, and Public Policy. By delving into these interdisciplinary programmes, students can address complex societal issues, utilise data-driven insights for effective decision-making, and influence policies that positively impact crucial areas such as healthcare, education, environment, and social justice.

At VSEP, we aim to offer a comprehensive education that goes beyond traditional learning methods. VSEP offers one of the best programme structures in the domain and the design of the curriculum is guided by eminent people across sectors (refer to advisory committee). Our primary objective is to prepare the next generation of economists, social leaders, and thought influencers. We prioritise inclusivity at all levels-locally, nationally, and globally-to ensure that our graduates are well-equipped to tackle the dynamic socio-economic challenges of today’s world.

Shaping Visionary Leaders in the Era of AI Revolution and Holistic Development

Developing critical thinking, policy evaluation, quantitative analysis, and proficiency in technical skills.

Academic excellence with a comprehensive and internationally recognized futuristic curriculum.

Environment that values inclusion and sustainability, nurtures empathy and respect diversity.

Apply to VSEP

B.Sc. Economics (Honours with Research)